ruthex GmbH Gründer Florian Ruthenberg CEO

How it all began...

Even when I was studying mechanical engineering, I was hooked on 3D printing. I was immediately fascinated by the extraordinary technology because up until now, from my training at Mercedes, I had only known complex procedures in which products had to go through a long and expensive development phase. Thanks to 3D printing, this process has been shortened enormously, which was also noticeable in my studies. My design designs were able to be produced on the 3D printer virtually overnight, so that I had the finished prototype in my hands the next day. Unfortunately, the prices for 3D printers were so high back then that having my own printer was initially only in my dreams. Fortunately, that changed during my studies and cheaper models came onto the market that could be upgraded with suitable components. However, getting these materials was more difficult than expected, so I took the chance and founded ruthex ® in 2017...

our philosophy

If I had to describe ruthex in 3 words, I would say: quality, performance and innovation. The fact that products are of very good quality and also offer innovations in the 3D printing community has been part of our brand philosophy since I suffered my first setbacks in 2018. I printed a prototype for a project in which the threads in the plastic part were essential for the function. Unfortunately, these plastic threads were unusable and so I longed for functional metal threads. It was immediately clear to me that a different solution was needed, which is why I remembered that one of my previous employers incorporated brass threads into plastic parts during the injection molding process. I decided to incorporate a similar process into my work. All I needed were brass inserts that were suitable for use after, rather than during, manufacturing. During my research I came across a lot of shapes and colors, so I tested all the thread inserts under laboratory conditions. Finally, I finally discovered the ideal thread insert shape for 3D printing and so I was the first company in the industry to offer it for 3D printing. Luckily, I had support from many people in spreading the word about thread inserts, which allowed me to share my products with the community.

Prüflinge ruthex 2018 Gewindeeinsätze 3D Druck

We want to say THANK YOU

Thank you to everyone who has supported us and our vision over the last few years and thank you to all the loyal customers who stand behind our products. We are grateful for every customer feedback that we receive via our support, because this is the only way we can constantly improve and offer our customers the best possible. For this reason, we take all feedback to heart and incorporate improvements directly into the next production batches.

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